Sunday, 5 July 2009


It's been an amazing year so far and London's LGBT Pride was amazing for me too, I met wonderful people, partied till I dropped and was a rock star for a few minutes. Sometimes you have to really stop and take note of what it is you actually do with your days, they go so fast and you forget to just stop for a moment or two and just recognize what you've been up to. I haven't really connected with pride much over the last few years but this year was different, maybe it was the group I was with, maybe it's because I was me and I wasn't trying to hide myself from anyone, maybe it was just the beautiful weather, I don't really know, but I'm going to hold onto it for the days when I am feeling low. I think it'll be just the sort of thing I can pull out on days when I need to remember that my life really is pretty amazing sometimes.

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