I'm going to try again, get up tomorrow and go down to the doctors and make an appointment to get referred and not forget or avoid going in anyway. I am worried though that he will not refer me. Am I supposed to say some sort of magic combination of words that opens the secret door to transition? Who knows? Guess we will just have to wait and see, I have decided to try and take that approach with this whole thing from reading other peoples experiences this takes a bloody long time and I need to be prepared to let things take a long time. I know I can be impatient when I get something into my head that needs to be done. I'm a feet first kind of guy who doesn't hold back because I could be dead tomorrow so I may as will give it a full measure.
I tend to take that approach with a lot of things in my life, when I was younger I watched a lot of people give up on a lot of things ( myself included ) some made it and some didn't and I guess that has kind of left me with this might as well do it now because tomorrow may be too late kind of ethos. Well for some things anyway. For others I will procrastinate till the end of days because I am afraid of a million and one things that could happen some I want some I don't, but I guess most people are like that really. So yes tomorrow, tomorrow I'll give it another go, stop worrying about the what if's and the what could happens and just get on with it. Hop back on the treadmill and get a running.
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